Personal Chef & Wine Advisor


Personal Chef 

French Cuisine is my style of cooking, but more than that revealing the beautiful savors of fresh, natural, simple, nutritious and delectable meal compositions is my forte!

Cooking Education

I believe that the food you eat directly impacts your overall health.

Through cooking class to help people to better eat every day or to have fun with friends on a date, my goal is to put your palate and your health first!

Wine Advisor

I grew up in the South of France and come from a family of winemakers. I highly recommend Clos Mortillet, an organic and excellent wine! 

Tell me about what you like and dislike when you are drinking wine, and I will find for you the best wines to match your palate and your meal!

Tasty Food and Organic Wine

San Francisco - California

Laetitia de Mortillet

(415) 375-5029